
- Only Non-Graduating (Exchange or Non-Exchange) students registered with NUS are eligible.
- Students who are no longer of full-time status (e.g. withdrew or completed) are not eligible to stay in NUS student accommodation and will be given 7 days’ notice to vacate their rooms except under exceptional circumstances.
- Students with outstanding arrears in their accommodation accounts will not be eligible for an NUS accommodation.
- Students who are barred due to disciplinary or breach of housing agreement will not be eligible for an NUS accommodation for the duration of the barring period.
- Only new students who have formally accepted their offer to study Full-time in NUS are eligible for an NUS student accommodation.
- International students (non-Singaporean/Singapore PR) are required to have the appropriate and valid passes as issued by the Immigration & Custom Authority (ICA) or Ministry of Manpower (MOM) during the course of their stay in an NUS hostel.
- Students are required to be insured under the NUS student insurance scheme or its equivalent throughout their stay in an NUS hostel.
Selection Criteria for Non-Graduating Students
- Primary consideration for student accommodation will be given to Non-Graduating Exchange students who are undertaking undergraduate modules in NUS.
- Accommodation at NUS College – Cinnamon Wing and West Wing, are primarily for Non-Graduating students from the college’s partner universities.
- Unless stated otherwise, the default selection criteria are based on random selection and availability.
Please note: Eligibility and selection criteria may change without prior notice. Students are encouraged to check our webpage regularly for the most up-to-date information on hostel admissions.