Terms and Conditions of Hostel Application

Hostel Application Exercises
Semester Stay Exercise
- Students interested to live in an NUS student hostel are required to submit an application for Semester Stay via the University Hostel Management System (UHMS) portal within the stipulated exercise period.
- A non-refundable application fee of S$27.25 (inclusive of 9% GST) is payable. Failing which, the application will be void and will not be processed.
- Students interested in joining a Residential College should submit an application to the respective academic programme first.
- Students who have earlier submitted an application to a Hall, House or Student Residence and who subsequently receive an offer to stay in a Residential College will not be required to pay the application fee again when they are informed by the Residential College to complete the online room registration via UHMS. Similarly, students who withdraw from a Residential College would also not be required to pay another application fee when they submit an application to a Hall, House or Student Residence.
- No amendments can be made to the application once payment of the application fee has been made.
- No exemption or extension of time will be granted except under exceptional circumstances as determined and approved by Hostel Admission Services.
- Students on LOA will need approval by Hostel Admission Services before they are able to submit their application. Students on Medical LOA will need to provide documentary proof that they have been approved by their faculty and University Health Centre to resume their studies. Please contact Hostel Admission Services for more information.
- Eligibility for the various hostel admission schemes is subject to a valid hostel application.
- Students who are offered a stay for one Academic Year need not re-apply for accommodation in Semester 2. Please check the accommodation offer letter for your offered period of stay.
- Students with check-in during Semester 1 and check-out during Vacation period need not resubmit an application as your Semester 2 accommodation has been reserved.
- Students who have successfully applied to go for overseas Student Exchange Programme (SEP) or NUS Overseas Colleges (NOC) programme are not eligible to apply for on-campus accommodation. If you had been offered campus housing before your overseas SEP/NOC programme is approved, your housing will be rescinded.
- Your assigned room should not be sublet to any other person, with or without monetary consideration. Any breach of this will be subject to severe disciplinary action that may include eviction from the hostel.
- Successful applicants are required to accept the offer and pay the S$200 acceptance fee within the stipulated acceptance window. They would have been deemed to have read and agreed to the Housing Agreement and/or Hostel Rules & Regulations upon payment of the S$200 acceptance fee.
- There will be no refund of the acceptance fee except under exceptional circumstances as determined and approved by the University.
- Students who failed to accept their offers within the stipulated acceptance window will have their offers withdrawn. Their places will be automatically re-offered to the awaiting applicant.
- No exemption or extension of time will be granted except under exceptional circumstances as determine and approved by Hostel Admission Services.
- Successful applicants are to reside in the same hostel and room type for the entire duration of the offered stay period.
- Students who fail to accept or reject their offer will be accorded minimal consideration for subsequent accommodation re-offers for the rest of the Academic Year. Not applicable to those who failed to accept or reject due to their pending absence based on official reasons as approved by the University.
- Students who cancel their stay after acceptance or check in will be accorded minimal consideration for subsequent accommodation re-offers for the rest of the Academic Year (Not applicable to those who are cancelling due to their pending absence due to official reasons as approved by the University).
- Students who are offered a stay for one academic year stay will need to make another acceptance fee payment of $200 to secure the 2nd semester accommodation. Failing which, their 2nd semester reservation will be cancelled and re-offered to another student. An email notification will be sent to all residents towards the later part of the first semester.
- No exemption or extension of time will be granted except under exceptional circumstances as determine and approved by Hostel Admission Services.
- If a student receives SEP/NOC programme outcome (i.e. successful placement) after he/she has accepted housing offer and joined the hostel, the student must inform the hostel management office and/or Hostel Admission Services to cancel the accommodation.
Applicants who were unsuccessful in securing an accommodation may submit appeal (with supporting documents, if any) at https://uhms.nus.edu.sg/StudentPortal to be considered for future vacancies, if any. Further instructions on how to submit appeals and the appeal result released dates will be stated in the results notification email.
Vacation Stay Exercise
The below Terms and Conditions is applicable to the residents of Halls, Houses, Student Residences and Residential Colleges. Hostel residents are to approach their respective management offices for more information on vacation stay.
- Vacation stay is optional. Residents interested to stay during the vacation stay period will need to submit a Vacation Stay application and pay the Vacation Stay fee via the University Hostel Management System (UHMS) portal within the stipulated exercise period
- Only current residents are eligible to apply for Vacation Stay.
- Vacation stay is based on the standard NUS academic calendar i.e. vacation 1 – Dec to Jan and Vacation 2 – May to Aug. Residents staying during this period are to apply for vacation stay.
- Residents checking out during the semester or vacation and returning to their current hostels before the start of official early check in period are to apply for vacation stay.
- Residents who wish to stay during vacation period but did not apply during the stipulated exercise period may approach the respective management office directly. Requests are subject to availability. A late fee may be imposed by the hostel management office.
- Charges may be imposed by the hostel management office for any cancellation or shortening of stay after the exercise.
- Residents moving to a different hostel in the next semester are to approach their new hostel management office to enquire on their check in dates.
- Residents requiring an accommodation due to commencement are advised to approach your respective hostel management office for their advice.
- Residents may be required to move to a different room due to closure or maintenance of rooms/blocks.
- Your assigned room should not be sublet to any other person, with or without monetary consideration. Any breach of this will be subject to severe disciplinary action that may include eviction from the hostel.
- No acceptance fee is required for vacation stay.
- Charges may be imposed by the management office for shortening or cancelling of vacation stay. Please check with respective management office for more information.
- Full vacation fee plus penalty charges may apply if personal items are not cleared after check-out.
- NUS reserve the right to dispose any items left behind after check-out.
- Please approach the respective hostel management office for more information.
For further extension of vacation stay, please approach your respective management office. All requests will be subject to the number of vacancies available.
Special Term Stay for Returning NSmen
Returning NSmen interested in an accommodation for the special term may apply online via www.hosteladmission.nus.edu.sg. Please click on Ask a Question tab and submit your request.
Stay Period
- Special Term I
- Special Term II
- Request is subject to vacancies available.
Please indicate in your submission:
- Your NUS Student No.
- Full Name
- Gender
- Hostel Preferences (up to 3 preferences)
- Indicate the stay period
- Special Term 1
- Special Term 2
- Special Term 1 and 2
- Students must be matriculated in order to be eligible for an accommodation.
- Your assigned room should not be sublet to any other person, with or without monetary consideration. Any breach of this will be subject to severe disciplinary action that may include suspension from the university.
- No acceptance fee is required for special term stay.
- The accommodation offer will be on a per special term basis.
- Students must be matriculated in order to be eligible for an accommodation.
- Students requiring an accommodation before start of the special term will need to seek an alternative private accommodation.
- The accommodation is for the indicated accommodation period. A separate application is needed for semester stay.
- Residents will be expected to make full payment of the hostel fees by the stipulated deadline.
- Cancellation charges may be imposed by the management office for shortening or cancelling of stay. Please check with respective management office for more information.
- Full hostel fee plus penalty charges may apply if personal items are not cleared after check-out.
- NUS reserves the right to dispose any items left behind after check-out.