Ryan Quah blends rest and inspiration to win top architecture award

Peers of Ryan Quah Kun Hao (Year 5, College of Design and Engineering) know him as someone passionate about architecture and sustainable urban redevelopment. Afterall, he was the only NUS Achievement Award (NAA) recipient that was awarded Distinction in the Competitions (General) category, in recognition of his achievement at the prestigious Asia Young Designer Award (AYDA) 2023.

However, few know that one of Ryan’s hobbies is to do absolutely nothing. This spirit of ‘Boketto’ (to gaze vacantly into the distance, without thinking) is often the source of Ryan’s inspiration as he is able to clear his mind, before exploring and discovering new places.

Ryan believes that architectural design is not about making things look good but about the constant challenge of finding new ways and rethinking how infrastructure can better serve its function and find solutions for common problems that we face. It is this philosophy which nabbed him two Awards at AYDA for his design, Urban Tarzan. Ryan received a Gold Award for the Architecture category, and the Best Design Impact Award, besting 50,000 entries from 1,200 tertiary education institutions, across 16 geographical locations.

Shortly after, Ryan’s friends saw last year’s call for NAA applications, and encouraged him to make a submission. The rest is history!

Ryan receiving the Best Design Impact Award for ‘Urban Tarzan’, at the Asia Young Designer Award 2023
Ryan receiving the Best Design Impact Award for ‘Urban Tarzan’, at the Asia Young Designer Award 2023

OSA: How has receiving NAA’s Distinction in Competitions (General) category impacted you?

Ryan: I feel immensely humbled to have received this award. It symbolises not only personal achievement but also the support and encouragement I've received from mentors, peers, and the university as a whole. The award has provided me with an opportunity to reflect on my journey and celebrate the milestones I have achieved with NUS.

It has also validated my hard work and commitment and boosted my confidence in my extracurricular pursuits. Some of my peers have also asked me how I applied for the award, and I think me receiving the award has spurred some of them to consider applying for it this year.

Ryan receiving the Distinction award for the Competitions (General) category at NAA 2023. Beside him is the award presenter, Karthik Vyas who received the same award the year before.
Ryan receiving the Distinction award for the Competitions (General) category at NAA 2023. Beside him is the award presenter, Karthik Vyas who received the same award the year before.

OSA: What do you feel about winning two major awards in one year, one from the industry and one from your university?

Ryan: Competitions are not just about ‘winning’, but about the perseverance and dedication to your work/craft. Passion and talent are just a small part of the formula, the rest comes from sheer will and hard work. I am extremely lucky to have been through this experience with the support of my professors, mentors and peers.

The journey to win the AYDA was particularly long. I spent three months on the project, then another six to seven months with the AYDA’s organiser, Nippon, to work on the judging presentation. The whole journey was very fulfilling and eye-opening, especially on an international level where I got to meet and bond with my competitors.

Receiving an award at NAA provided me with an exciting closure to my competition journey, and gave me a newfound confidence for my future endeavours. It is very rare for non-sports competitions to usually be recognised, and I am glad that NUS has provided a platform for us to be recognised.

Ryan (second from right) at his end-of-semester architectural presentation and critique session at the studio
Ryan (second from right) at his end-of-semester architectural presentation and critique session at the studio

OSA: What have you been up to since NAA concluded?

Ryan: I have recently completed my Master of Architecture degree and am eagerly awaiting commencement! In the meantime, I plan to travel around.

In the future, I hope to continue contributing to the development of sustainable spaces that also meets the needs of communities. I am particularly interested in the conservation and redevelopment of existing buildings.

OSA: Any advice for those contemplating on applying for the NAA?

Ryan: I hope that my juniors would be inspired by the stories of NAA recipients - to go forth to seize the opportunities that may come, as well as embrace any challenges!

As Ryan graduates with the Class of 2024 this July, he will be the first batch of NAA recipients to receive mention of this award at NUS Commencement. Keen to follow in his footsteps? Visit www.nus.edu/naa from now till 31 Jul 2024 to apply for this year’s awards!

The Winning Moment is a two-part series where OSA catches up with recipients from NAA 2023. Stay tuned to our next interview! Applications for NAA 2024 is now open.



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