Students and staff from the Ridge View Residential College (RVRC) painted 10 mini Singa statues as a part of the Ministry of National Development (MND)'s 'Singapore Kindness Movement'. Singa has been associated with the values of kindness and graciousness which the Singapore Kindness Movement seeks to inspire and inculcate.
Painted collaboratively by 40 enthusiastic residents from RVRC, the engaging and community bonding activity brought together students from the seven different Houses and Interest Groups from the College. The open-brief activity enabled students a wide interpretation of what it means to be kind.
Ho Wei Hao, Year 2 student from College of Design and Engineering had found the activity interesting, he said, "The activity encouraged my team to deliberate on how to paint the statue. We wanted to make our lion truly representative of our team, so we decided to paint it like a green sea turtle - the mascot representing Chelonia House in RVRC. It was really an experience being able to create memories together.”
Another resident, Wong Yang Cheng, a second-year Arts and Social Sciences student who enjoyed the process said,
“None of us had much prior art experience, and hence were apprehensive. Our initial concerns quickly vanished as we engaged in friendly banter while painting the Singa.”

The completed mini Singa statues showcase students' ideas on kindness - ranging from kindness for local species such as the endangered turtle to the environment to Mental Wellness (Mellon Singa) to the more light-hearted Cupcake Singa. The Singa statues will be on display at the RVRC Dining Hall from now through 17 November 2022, serving as a visual reminder to RVRC students to continue to forge a community spirit centred on kindness.
As a finale, the 10 mini Singa statues will be put up on display on 29 November 2022 at the annual event Municipal Services Awards.
Sadaf Ansari, Fellow, Ridge View Residential College