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Heritage Walks: Experiencing cultures and exchanging ideas
RVRC students explore the charms of Singapore's heritage sites.
NUS Student Leaders’ Retreat: Finding connection and building synergy
Student leaders learn what it takes to become a great leader through leadership forums and teambuilding exercises.
#SquadTok: A thriving, vibrant student life community
SquadTok is a video series that looks into new or interesting interest groups.
NUS Student Leaders’ Retreat: Maximising Student Leadership
Student leaders from interest groups and societies get equipped with key leadership and soft skills.
Honouring Artistic Excellence at the 13th Tan Ean Kiam Arts Awards
The return of the 13th Tan Ean Kiam Arts Awards in person after two years of COVID-19 induced uncertainty.
RVRC residents make room for acts of kindness
RVRC residents paint Singa statues as part of MND's 'Singapore Kindness Movement'.
Showing gratitude on NUS Wellbeing Day
CAPT students organise an appreciation dinner for 70 U-Town senior staff on NUS Well-Being Day.
Celebrating the Rhythm of Life at NUS Student Life Awards 2022
21 award recipients were lauded at a red-carpet celebration attended by more than 300 guests.
Community Engagement Network Retreat: Building bridges across different faith-, culture- and literary-based groups
We track Bella's pilgrimage in an interfaith dialogue and the takeaways she had on her journey.
From Innocence to Wisdom: NUS students mentor young girls
NUS student volunteers improve women's health by addressing “taboo” women’s health topics.