NUS Students’ Community Service Club brightens lives during the festive season

The NUS Students’ Community Service Club (CSC) rallied the support from the NUS community to organise activities to brighten the lives of many disadvantaged groups in our society that require our warmth and support. During the recent festive period, CSC held 13 Regular Volunteering Programmes (RVP), two Special Projects (SP) and one Exploratory Programme (EP).  (You can reach more about each of them here).

NUS Office of Student Affairs caught up with CSC management committee, Chin Hui Ling (Year 4, Business Administration), Rachel Ng Jean Hwee (Year 3, Life Sciences and Public Health) and Miyoko Yeo Yi Xuan (Year 2, Psychology) to find out more about these projects, and how students can be involved in future events.

What projects were NUSCSC busy with during the festive season?

CSC: We held two Christmas-themed projects “Havenue”, and “Grant-A-Wish XXI” with our community members.

What is Havenue about?

CSC: Havenue works with patients with life-limiting illnesses at HCA Hospice. We organised Make Believe: Switzerland, where we created a “travel experience” to Switzerland. We gave patients mock passports and flight tickets, and welcomed them on a flight hosted by our volunteers who dressed up as airline crew. The highlight of the event was the Christmas Wonderland Market, which featured various games and craft booths that reflected the beauty of a Swiss holiday. Each booth participation earned the patients a stamp in their “passports”, which is redeemable for a prize when accumulated.

Besides helping patients, Havenue is also about learning experiences with lasting impact for our volunteers and the community members. As Havenue works with patients with life-limiting illnesses, we held a Countdown of Life reflection session for volunteers and community members to contemplate the value of time and how it impacts relationships. The session concluded with participants penning a letter of gratitude or love to themselves or their loved ones by the end of one day.

Grant-A-Wish volunteers engaging our young community members in activities over the festive season.
Grant-A-Wish volunteers engaging our young community members in activities over the festive season.

What is Grant-A-Wish about?

CSC: Grant-A-Wish XXI works with children and youths from disadvantaged backgrounds, with the aim of granting them their wishes. Our three partner organisations were Pertapis, Child at Street 11, and Life Community Services Society. Over the NUS vacation break, 90 volunteers comprising organising committee, and community members bonded over an art and crafts workshop where everyone created thoughtful gifts for their donors and the volunteers. We closed the year with a The Wish Party held for Pertapis involving with 15 volunteers and 21 children. Witnessing the sheer joy on the faces of the children as they unwrapped their presents was genuinely heart-warming.

What motivates CSC to organise these festive projects annually?

CSC: It is the feeling of unparalleled joy in knowing that our collective efforts have made someone's day, and cultivated meaningful connections between strangers. Also, witnessing long-lasting friendships forged between our community members and volunteers. Most importantly, it warms our hearts to see a strong spirit of volunteerism being built among our volunteers and undergraduates. These feelings and experiences that keep us going annually, inspiring us to come up with novel ideas to celebrate the festive season. Seeing the smiles on the faces of our community members and volunteers renders the tedious planning processes worthwhile.

One of CSC’s Special Projects, CSC Day, invited elderly community members to NUS campus.
One of CSC’s Special Projects, CSC Day, invited elderly community members to NUS campus.

How should interested students sign up to be part of this or any other future CSPs led by CSC?

We have 13 ongoing Regular Volunteering Programmes that run regular volunteering sessions weekly or biweekly for the whole academic year, of which some are recruiting regular volunteers. We also have five Special Projects and three Exploratory Programmes from Semester 2 till the end of summer vacation where we will be recruiting project directors, organising committee and volunteers. Interested students can subscribe to our Telegram,  Instagram and TikTok for the latest news on us.



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