Come hell or high water, 60 freshmen and 25 seniors from NUS Sports Camp 2021 (or “Enotita” as known to its campers), braved Monday morning’s torrential rain to gather at UTown LT 52 and 53. The troopers came as early as 7:30am for this symbolic event – the first face-to-face Orientation Camp since August 2019.
“Enotita means Unity in Greek and there is no better time than COVID-19 times to emphasise that everyone has a role to play in overcoming this pandemic,” introduced Darren Chang, the camp’s Programme Director. Besides the 60 freshmen today, 162 more will return to campus over the next three days to experience the in person sports camp.

How would you write your NUS story? Seniors retold the camp storyline as seen in the introduction video above.
Tan Jia Qi, Project Director, (Year 2 Biz) led a team of 25 sports club seniors for the NUS Sports Camp 2021 said: “Today’s hybrid camp is only possible because my team had prepared both online and hybrid camp proposal formats as early as December 2020. We had to modify our activities in accordance to the evolving COVID-19 situation and the prevailing Safe Management Measures. Despite the careful planning, there were a lot of uncertainties. The process was frustrating to my team as we could not confirm our plans.”
“That said, we’re extremely fortunate to have recruited an enthusiastic and passionate organising committee members who still kept their spirits high. They continued planning despite the odds stacked against us,” added Jia Qi.
When asked about the face-to-face camp, Senthilkumar Sriram, freshman from Computer Engineering who had attended three earlier online camps prior to the Sports Camp said: "A physical aspect to the camp makes a huge difference to the experience, even though it was only one day. I had a tiring yet fulfilling time bonding with my [Orientation Group] OG mates at a much deeper level."

Dean-designate, A/P Ho Han Kiat, delivered his first in person welcome address to the Class of 2025. OSA was also represented by Snr Associate Director Mr Lawrenz Sim and Sports Camp Staff Advisor Mr Terence Lee.

3 freshmen + 1 OGL. Icebreakers are great warm-ups before the main event.

Sunshine after the rain: At the Amazing Race, freshmen had to move around campus to different locations to complete the mini challenges.

Players must flip the bottle such that it lands vertically upright within the demarcated area. To complete the challenge, each player has to successfully flip the bottle at least once.
For more camp photos, visit NUSync photo album.
Credits: Enotita Organising Committee |
1. Project Director: Tan Jia Qi 2. Vice Project Director: Lee Jia Mei Charmian 3. Vice Project Director/Chief Safety Officer: Koh Ruey De 4. Admin and Finance Director: Ten Xintian Cheryl 5. Admin and Finance Executive: Tan Jun He, Cheong Jia Ming 6. Marketing Director: Chew Keng Horng 7. Marketing Executive: Lee Jia Qi, Leow Gwen In, Wang Yuxuan 8. Publicity Director: Zhuo Jiayi 9. Publicity Executive: Koko Chen, Joash Chan Chun Kit 10. Programmes Director: Darren Chang Meng Xyang 11. Programmes Executive: Ho Qi Yuan Janald, Teh Pei Ling, Heng Chin Hwee Dave, Ding Mohan, Yeo Zhi Yuen, Celine Low, Dashmesh Singh Bajaj, Fanny Tan Xin Yun 12. Logistics Director: Ser Wen Yi 13. Logistics Executive: Ashley Goh Rui Qi, Chow Hanqi |
Writer: Office of Student Affairs
Image: Goh Qi Huang, Nursing, Year 2