8 Reasons why you should be a part of mOSAic@NUS 2023

mOSAic@NUS brings together individuals and communities from various backgrounds in the NUS community to learn, celebrate and appreciate the diversity among us.

1. mOSAic@NUS is happening from 13 February to 18 March 2023

mOSAic@NUS will span across a month, with a variety of events ranging from film screenings, group conversations as well as carnivals! The highlight of the event is the mOSAic Fest – a carnivalesque atmosphere with cultural booths, food and games on 17 February 2023.

Check out the various events we have lined up for you:

Date and Time Activity Venue
13 Feb, 11am - 3pm Exploring mOSAic 2023 UTown Town Plaza
14 Feb, 12pm - 8.30pm mOSAic Intercultural Film Screening Dance Atelier 2, Stephen Riady Centre Level 3, UTown
17 Feb, 1pm - 6pm mOSAic 2023 Fest Cultural performances (4pm - 6pm) UTown Foyer, Stephen Riady Centre Level 1
23 Feb, 7pm - 9pm Harmonyworks! Circle - Religion and Me, an Interfaith Conversation UTown Town Plaza, Seminar Rooms 1-3
13-17 Mar, 10am - 5pm Windows of Perspectives Exhibition Stephen Riady Centre Level 2, UTown
14 Mar, 1pm - 2.30pm Inclusive Fest: Human Library UTown Town Plaza
17 Mar, 10am - 5pm Inclusive Fest: Carnival UTown Seminar Room
18 Mar, 11am - 6pm Spectra Sports Carnival Multi-Purpose Courts 14 to 17, Handball Court & MPSH 1

2. Free old school ice cream available!

Get your FREE old school ice cream on 13 February at the first event to kickstart mOSAic! It will be available at UTown Town Plaza from 11am to 3pm. Explore and find out more about this year’s mOSAic programmes when you’re collecting your ice cream!

3. mOSAic@NUS celebrates diversity beyond the four main racial groups in Singapore

Learn more about different cultures and try your hand at traditional games.
Learn more about different cultures and try your hand at traditional games.

mOSAic@NUS celebrates the diversity on campus by providing a platform for our fellow students to share about their cultural and religious practices, and allows us to have a better understanding of our peers through a plethora of activities. This festival is devoted to growing your perspectives and forming meaningful exchanges!

At mOSAic Fest, discover and learn more about different cultures and religions such as Chinese, Filipino, Indian, Korean, Malay, Myanmar cultures and Sikhism by your peers.

4. The highlight of the event is mOSAic Fest on 17 February 2023. (P.S there will be free snacks and a photobooth!)

At mOSAic Fest on 17 February, groups will showcase their various practices at the UTown Foyer from 1pm to 6pm, where you can try your hand at traditional games and outfits as well as tantalise your tastebuds with delicious traditional snacks! There will also be special cultural performances by fellow students from 4pm onwards.

Create wonderful memories and capture these moments at the mOSAic photobooth while soaking in the many cultures and performances at mOSAic Fest!

Catch a dikir barat performance by NUS Malay Language Society (PBMUKS) – a cultural performance includes seamless synchronised movements, poetry, singing and accompanied by live percussive music.
Catch a dikir barat performance by NUS Malay Language Society (PBMUKS) – a cultural performance includes seamless synchronised movements, poetry, singing and accompanied by live percussive music.

5. mOSAic@NUS promotes intercultural learning through films

Interested in learning about another culture? Why not do so through a film! Join us for 3 powerful films – it's an event not to be missed.

• Minari (12pm – 2.30pm): A tender and sweeping story about what roots us, Minari follows a Korean American family that moves to a tiny Arkansas farm in search of their own American Dream. Amidst the instability and challenges of their new life, Minari shows the undeniable resilience of family, the experiences of cultural adaptation and what really makes a home.

• Josee, the Tiger and the Fish (3pm – 5.30pm): Josee, the Tiger and the Fish is a Japanese animation film that explores the unlikely friendship between Josee and Tsuneo. Tsuneo is a university student and Josee is a young adult who has rarely gone out of the house by herself due to her condition of being unable to walk. Regardless of one’s background and circumstances, explore the similar dreams, fears and yearnings in one’s youth that binds Josee and her newfound friends, in this film.

• English Vinglish (6pm – 8.30pm): English Vinglish is a heart-touching Hindi family drama movie about Sashi, a quiet and sweet-tempered housewife whose struggle to speak and understand English is ridiculed by her own family. Watch “English Vinglish” to witness the transformation of Sashi, who tries to overcome language and cultural barriers in the discovery of herself.

6. mOSAic@NUS facilitates conversations on religion

Looking for a brave space to have an interfaith conversation? NUS Interfaith has organised an event to encourage insightful conversations with people from different cultural and religious backgrounds.

This will be held on 23 February from 7pm to 9pm at UTown Town Plaza, Seminar Rooms 1 to 3. The interfaith conversation is organised in collaboration with OnePeople.sg and Inter-Religious Organisation Youth Committee, it’s an event not to be missed!

Join us to gain new perspectives and understanding of lived experiences of individuals in a respectful, diverse and inclusive space!

7. mOSAic@NUS also explores diversity through art and sports

Discover about students’ personal experiences with their faith through art at the Windows of Perspectives! It is an art exhibition held by NUS Interfaith, presented by our fellow students, to invite you to perceive the world through different lenses.

If art speaks to you more than words do, head down to the second level of the Stephen Riady Centre at UTown (located outside Flavours Food Court) to take a look at this exhibition! It may prove to be a therapeutic respite amid the bustle of lectures and classes.

If sports appeal to you, the NUS Tamil Language Society is organising a cultural sports carnival to introduce you to various cultural sporting activities such as carom, goli, seven stones, paramapadham and pallanguzhi. Don’t miss the Spectra Sports Carnival on the 18 March, between 11am and 6pm at the Multi-Purpose Courts 14 to 17, Handball Court and MPSH 1.

8. A platform for you to understand people with disabilities 

Check out insightful sharing booths at the Inclusive Fest: Carnival to learn about the lived experiences of those with disabilities.
Check out insightful sharing booths at the Inclusive Fest: Carnival to learn about the lived experiences of those with disabilities.

Beyond the diversity of cultures and faiths, mOSAic@NUS provides an opportunity to learn about the lived experiences of people with disabilities. Stay tuned for the Inclusive Fest happening on 14 March between 1pm to 2.30pm and 17 March between 10am to 5pm, where the NUS Enablers have organised an in-person human library with experimental simulations and sharing booths.

Take this opportunity to find out how we can all do our part by fostering greater empathy and understanding for people with disabilities.


mOSAic@NUS 2023 is not only a fun-filled event, but a meaningful one that celebrates and recognises diversity. Take this chance to find out more about new communities and gain insight into their backgrounds. Who knows, you may form new friendships and connections, and gain a deeper appreciation of the diversity that is amongst us!

Learn more about mOSAic@NUS 2023 here



Nicole Ng, NUS Faculty of Law

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