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The last wildcat of Singapore
23 Mar 2021
Students filmed a documentary to help people know about, appreciate, and care for locally endangered wildcat.
General Student Life
The Dream Composition goes online for the first time in 22 years
9 Mar 2021
23rd The Dream Composition attracted 180 song entries from songwriters across the Asia Pacific region.
General Student Life
Keeping traditions alive in the trying time of a pandemic
22 Feb 2021
NUS Lion Dance rose to the occasion with their latest performance on Zoom for OSA's Chinese New Year celebration.
General Student Life
“Thanks to V-Day, you can now buy chocolates and flowers on discount.”
15 Feb 2021
Writer surveyed students how they had spent their V-day. Here's her nifty list of 14 ways.
General Student Life
“Back In My Day…”
1 Feb 2021
A project that seeks to cultivate meaningful relationships with the pioneer generation.
General Student Life
Free One-Time COVID-19 Testing for Hostel Residents
18 Jan 2021
The testing exercise is conducted as part of the COVID-19 testing regime extended to residents staying at NUS.
General Student Life
NUS Mountaineering at the top of the ladder as “All-Star Portal”
6 Jan 2021
NUS MIR worked tirelessly to "move mountains" to keep student life going.
General Student Life
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The NUS Office of Student Affairs (OSA) seizes every opportunity to supports the NUS student community through student services, residential admission, clubs, leaders’ training, community engagement, integration and service learning, health and wellness, as well as disability support.

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