Student Wellness Grant
An extension of the Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) grant for NUS Student Organisations.

The D&I Grant, funded by Lien Foundation Fund, aims to seed an inclusive mindset in our students and promote a NUS culture of D&I by equipping them with cultural intelligence (CQ) and be future-ready to work effectively with people from diverse backgrounds & cultures. The inclusion of wellness initiatives allows NUS student organisations to promote greater mental well-being and reduce stigma within the NUS community.
Funds may be used for one or more of the following purposes (these will vary, based on the needs of student organisation, and the list is not exhaustive):
- Raise awareness of mental well-being and mental health issues
- Encourage help-seeking behaviour
- Reduce mental health stigma
- Promote self-care practice
Procedure for Funding
1 The initiatives planned should come under the oversight of a staff advisor.
2. In the proposal form below, student organizations are requested to submit a summary of the planned activities and how their effectiveness will be measured. Student Wellness may request for further details of the plan and other information required for reporting purposes, and to inform decisions the amount to be funded.
3. The student organization can be funded up to 100% of the overall project costs and capped at $1,000 per project. Reimbursement is done through the submission of receipts.
4. Student organizations are requested to complete and submit this form to Mr Leo Lee ( at least 4 weeks before the activity.
5. A 2-3 page evaluation report of the activities conducted, together with the RFP form (if applicable), should be submitted within 4 weeks after the actual event.