“Back In My Day…”
A project that seeks to cultivate meaningful relationships with the pioneer generation.
Engineering Good
Biomedical Engineering students team up with their peers with disabilities to design solutions to everyday challenges.
Free One-Time COVID-19 Testing for Hostel Residents
The testing exercise is conducted as part of the COVID-19 testing regime extended to residents staying at NUS.
Cooking for love
What motivated visually impaired people to prepare healthy meals for their best friends despite their disabilities?
NUS Mountaineering at the top of the ladder as “All-Star Portal”
NUS MIR worked tirelessly to "move mountains" to keep student life going.
Social distancing yields refreshing new directions for theatre on campus
As social-distancing measures prevail, CFA Arts Excellence Groups continue to face challenges on-and-offstage.
If you have a great experience, we would love to hear from you!