Arts for All

The NUS "Arts for All" (AFA) framework aims to enhance the student life experience at NUS, as well as support and encourage greater participation in the arts, which is an integral component of the University’s push for interdisciplinary teaching and learning.
Designed based on the principles of collaboration and outreach, AFA provides a diverse range of artistic learning opportunities under four categories to enable students to experience the arts in a manner best suited to their developmental objectives, interests, and levels of commitment.
Under the AFA framework, foundational or exploratory learning opportunities are offered to bring arts-related activities to a wider spectrum of students. These include ground-up and student-led community initiatives as well as participation in various student arts groups on campus. For those who wish to deepen their artistic practice in a structured academic setting, credit-bearing performing arts groups are offered for students to further their practice-based skills in a variety of performing art forms that interconnect with other disciplines.