third space: STUDYO


STUDYO is a live performance, open-mic and music community concept in NUS. Free shows are presented most Friday nights from 7pm to 9pm at UTown. Audiences can expect great live music ranging from pop to jazz from various acts across NUS, together with open mic segments for anyone to hop on and perform. Attendance is always free!


  • 31 January
  • 7 February
  • 21 March
  • 28 March

Stay tuned on the STUDYO Telegram and Instagram for updates on the performance line-ups.

If there are NUS students who are interested in performing, drop a DM to STUDYO's Instagram and the organisers will get in touch with you.

Organised By

STUDYO in collaboration with NUS Office of Student Affairs, Centre for the Arts

The STUDYO organisers would like to thank Dr. Jovan Tan (EDIC) for his continuous guidance and support for the STUDYO initiative. EDIC (Innovation & Design Programme) for providing us the opportunities to kickstart in CDE, and CFA for their insights, advice and support in pushing STUDYO to the wider student population.


third space: STUDYO


University Town

Registration Fee:


For any enquiries, feel free to contact us via email at

Our Dedication & Commitment

The NUS Office of Student Affairs (OSA) seizes every opportunity to supports the NUS student community through student services, residential admission, clubs, leaders’ training, community engagement, integration and service learning, health and wellness, as well as disability support.

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