Tiffany Ho became a Peer Student Supporter (PSS) in hopes of learning to better support her friends when they confide in her. Although she really want to help her friends, she did not know how to respond effectively. A year ago, she decided to join as a PSS and the experience so far has been very fruitful and fulfilling. She tells us her journey as a PSS and how she became more confident in the role.
Training to be a supporter
I took a module to learn more about mental wellness, intervention and suicide prevention. After completing the module, I volunteered my time and put my knowledge into practice at the PitStop@YIH. I was able to implement the ‘Self-Care Fortnight’ initiative where I could interact more with other NUS students via online games and offline yoga sessions at the safe space. Through these initiatives, my peers were able to take a break from their hectic lives and appreciate the importance of taking self-care.
Showing the way at a Wellness roadshow
During one of the most hectic weeks of the semester, I was roped in to be a student ambassador for the “It’s okay” roadshow on 8 April 2021. Truth be told – it’s so easy for students like myself to be carried away with the stress of meeting deadlines and completing our next task, that we often forget to take a breather to check-in with our mental health. Through this roadshow, I realised how important it was for me because I got a chance to take a break myself and meet students face-to-face to engage them in various mental wellness activities in the midst of the exam season.

Hindsight is 20/20
The April Wellness roadshow was a new experience to me as a PSS. Due to strict safe measurement measures, students who gathered at the PitStop@YIH came in small groups so it was easy to connect on a personal and deeper level. In contrast with the roadshow, it was very touch-and-go. We saw transient traffic and did not have the opportunity to forge individual connections with the groups of students who visit the booth. I appreciate the level of awareness that the roadshow brought about for students to practise self-care. Both experiences at the PitStop@YIH and the roadshow gave me a chance to connect with my peers in different environments.
I found that many students were open to making genuine connections with others, especially during such an isolating period in time of COVID-19. I learnt to be more forthcoming – to engage in conversations with people, even if they are acquaintances. After all, a listening ear or word of affirmation may go a long way.
From this PSS journey, I have become a better supporter for my friends.
If you enjoy reading about my PSS journey, you can become a PSS too. Psst, applications are ongoing until 30 May 2021. Check out this link to apply.
Tiffany Ho, FASS, Year 2, Peer Student Supporter