OSA Digital Badges

NAA Award Recipients

Recognising your Achievements with Digital Credentials

In our socially and digitally connected world today, what better way to recognize your achievements publicly than through featuring digital badges on your professional social media platforms! These NUS-verified credentials allow learners like you to easily communicate your skills and qualifications online.  

Digital badges can be earned through completing certain courses and trainings with the Office of Student Affairs, or as a recognition for NUS-level awards.

Learn more about accessing and using your digital badge here!

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Teach SG Mentor Badge
Teach Singapore

The Teach SG badge is awarded to volunteer mentors from NUS who provide academic coaching and mentoring to children and youth from lower-income families. The digital badge is a testament that they have actively participated in the mentoring sessions and have acquired mentoring skills as a Teach SG mentor.

LEAD Digital Badge
Leadership Excellence And Development (LEAD)

Awarded to student leaders who have completed each of the three levels of the leadership program and demonstrated leadership mastery through application 

SLA Digital Badge
Student Life Awards (SLA)

Awarded to exceptional individuals and student groups for noteworthy contributions to student life at the University beyond academics in the specific academic year. 

Wellness Digital Badge
Student Wellness

Issued to students who have undergone training in student wellness and are equipped with knowledge and skills to support peers in need. 

NUS Achievement Awards (NAA)

Awarded to honour exceptional achievements of student life beyond academics in the areas of Arts, Community Impact, Competitions, Leadership, Sports and Campus Vibrancy in the specific academic year. 

(For OSA Comms website - 1080 x 1080 px) ISCO Peer Connector Award
Peer Connectors Network

The Peer Connectors Network Badge is awarded to NUS students who have played a key role in facilitating intercultural interactions and supporting the transition of new international students from diverse backgrounds during onboarding programmes organised by the Office of Student Affairs, and the badge serves as recognition of their active participation and acquired skills in creating a supportive and integrative environment for incoming students.


Please refer to steps here.

Digital badge and e-certificate will be issued according to your registered name with National University of Singapore (NUS) at the point of time when you have completed the eligible modules.

Typically, you will receive an email after fulfilling the requirements for the badge. Digital badges are usually issued at the end of each academic semester. You may enquire via email if you have yet to receive your digital badge despite fulfilling the requirements.

For Accredible system related questions, please refer to https://help.accredible.com/recipients.

Student Life Hacks (Resources)

Our Dedication & Commitment

The NUS Office of Student Affairs (OSA) seizes every opportunity to supports the NUS student community through student services, residential admission, clubs, leaders’ training, community engagement, integration and service learning, health and wellness, as well as disability support.

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