Engaging Communities

Pursue your passions and uncover personal values when you apply your skills and knowledge to enhance the well-being of the community and/or the environment.

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    Empowering Student Community Involvement

    NUS students dedicate their efforts to:

    United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

    The United Nations SDGs were included as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to improve the lives of people and protect the planet. At NUS, our community engagement initiatives are aligned with these SDGs:

    At NUS, we champion strengths-based approaches when engaging communities:

    Obtain a sense of civic mindedness and social responsibility when you collaborate with a community partner and promote greater integration and appreciation between communities. Learn more about Service-Learning and Asset-Based Community Development below!

    Connecting Communities

    At NUS, we aim to inspire our students to ignite change in the community.
    Here’s a look back at the Connecting Communities festival where we brought together passionate individuals to celebrate community service and learn from one another.

    Take the opportunity to impact and learn from the community this year!

    Hear From Our Volunteers!

    To me, community engagement is about doing what I can to make someone’s day! It can be things as simple as helping them with household chores or befriending them! Join me in my community engagement journey!

    Chua Yan Jie Atricia

    Project Director of Project CAN XIII

    Want to know where and how you can contribute?

    Community partners are eager to work with the youths of Singapore to engage and empower the community!

    How can you contribute to the community? Find out in our Chat with Community Partners!

    Join one of the many community service groups in NUS and make an impact today.

    Volunteering & Internship Opportunities

    Want to start a community service project of your interest?

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    Community Involvement

    Sign up for our Community Engagement Mailing List here!

    Sign up for our Community Engagement Mailing List here!

    Our Dedication & Commitment

    The NUS Office of Student Affairs (OSA) seizes every opportunity to supports the NUS student community through student services, residential admission, clubs, leaders’ training, community engagement, integration and service learning, health and wellness, as well as disability support.

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